Laser in der Proktologie

Die Operation mit dem Laser stellt in der Proktologie einen relativ neuen Behandlungsansatz dar.

Mit der Lasertherapie lassen sich Hämorrhoiden, Analfisteln, Analfissur, Marisken, Feigwarzen, Steißbeinfisteln und Akne inversa behandeln.


Die Vorteile der Laserbehandlung liegen in der minimal invasiven Vorgehensweise, das heißt kleine bis gar keine Schnitte. Dadurch haben die Patienten nach der Operation in der Regel nicht nur zu einer schnelleren Heilung, sondern auch deutlich weniger Schmerzen, sind auch schneller weder mobil und kehren früher wieder in den normalen Alltag zurück.

Wir führen in unserer Praxis seit 2014 über 2000 Operationen in der Proktologie durch. Damit sind wir eine der führenden Einrichtungen im Bereich der Lasertherapie in der Proktologie weltweit und verfügen über einen sehr großen Erfahrungsschatz.


Unsere Ärzte machen für Kollegen aus der ganzen Welt Fortbildungen und Workshops in Lübeck und sind weltweit als Redner auf medizinischen Kongressen zu diesem Thema vertreten.


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Unsere Ärzte bilden aus und zwar weltweit

Da wir bereits langjährige Erfahrung mit der Lasertherapie in der Proktologie haben, geben wir auf der ganzen Welt Fortbildungen und Workshops oder sind als Redner auf medizinischen Kongressen präsent. Auch in den Räumen unserer Praxis in Lübeck bilden wir regelmäßig Kollegen aus aller Welt aus. Hier ein kurzer Überblick zu unserem Engagement:


67 Annual Conference of Visceral Medicine 2007 Bochum, Germany - Splenic rupture after Coloskpie a case series

University of Schleswig Holstein Pelvic Floor Symposium 2012 Lübeck, Germany - The conservative therapy of fecal incontinence


Dermatologikum 2017 Hamburg, Germany


12th Scientific & Annual Meeting of European Society of Coloproctology 2017 Berlin, Germany - The future is now - LHP for thrombosis external hemorrhoids


FOBI Dermatological Training Week 2018 Munich, Germany - Laser treatment of anal fistula


45 Annual Meeting German Society of Koloproctology Munic 20118

Laser Haemorrhoidoplasty for thrombosed Hemorrhoids Degree IV


North German Surgical Society 2017, 2018, 2019 Hamburg, Germany - Proctology Workshop


Lübeck Hemorrhoid Days 2017, 2018 Lübeck, Germany Skin organizer


Coloproctology Seminar Hannover  2019  Hannover,

Germany - Laser therapy of anal fistula


202nd Summer Conference of the Association of North German Surgeons 2020 Schwerin, Germany - Laser therapy of the sinus pilonidalis


47 Annual Meeting German Society of Koloproctology Munic 2021 -

Tissue coagulation in diode   laser therapy of hemorrhoids- what happens in secret?

Laser Haemorrhoidoplasty as a circular operative therapy in local anesthesia 


PROCTOLOGY – New and proven Hamburg, 2021 -

Hemorrhoidal deseases


Webinar: Laser in proctology  Lasertreatment of hemorrhoids, 2021


Webinar: Modern Treatment of pilonidal cyst, 2022


Workshop Laser in Proctology Theory and Practice Lübeck, Germany



Workshop in theory and practice Laser in proctology 2019 Dordrecht, Holland



International Workshop 2017 Athens, Greece Pilonidal cyst disease


Great Britian

ACPGBI Annual Meeting 2022, Edinbourgh, Scottland -

Laserhemorrhoidoplasty for thrombosed hemorrhoids Degree III – A new Indication

Measurement of health – related quality of life with the SF -8 after laser hemorrhoidoplasty



76 emes journees de la SFP 2017 Paris, France Laser Haemorrhoidoplasty




Budapest Proctology Meeting, Hungary  Laser Hemorrhoidoplasty - Are there limitations    and Member of the Board 2021


17th Nordic Postgraduate Course in Colorectal Surgery Congress, Reykjavik, 2022, Iceland - 

Histopathological collateral damage of skin after laser therapy compared with electrosurgery of anogenital warts Measurement of health – related quality of life with the SF -8 after laser hemorrhoidoplasty



14th Scientific & Annual Meeting of European Society of Coloproctology 2019 Vienna Austria - Laser use in thrombosis 4th degree external hemorrhoids - New operative technique

Innsbrucker Coloproktology Wintermeeting 2021, Innsbruck, Austria – Laser hemorrhoidoplasty for thrombosed Hemorrhoids  a new Indication



Workshop in theory and practice Laser in proctology 2019 Bergen, Norway



17th Scientific Conference European Society of Coloproctology Dublin, Ireland 2022 – Laserhemorrhoidoplasty for thrombosed hemorrhoids Degree III – long term results. Quality of life after Laser hemorrhoidoplasty

Laser Hemorrhoidoplasty – theoretical lecture


Colorectal Surgery 2022 Rekjavik, Iceland 2022Measurement of health with the SF-6 after Laser Hemorrhoidoplasty, Histopathologicalcollateral demage of skin after laser therapy compared with electrosurgery for anogenital warts



Workshop in theory and practice Laser in proctology 2022 Aarhus, Denmark



13th European Colorectal Congress 2019 St.   Gallen Switzerland - HOW I DO IT: Laser Sinus Pilonidalis    Procedure (SiLaC™)


14th European Colorectal Congress 2019 St. Gallen Switzerland - – Laser hemorrhoidoplasty for thrombosed Hemorrhoids  a new Indication


15th European Colorectal Congress 2021 St. Gallen Switzerland - Tissue coagulation in diode   laser therapy of hemorrhoids- what happens in secret?



17th Congress of Asia Pacific Federation of Coloproctology 2019, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - Laser therapy in proctology


PABI JAYA TALK Laser Proctology , Jarkata, Indonesia, 2022 – Laser Proctology in advance


Laser in Coloproctology  Surgery Workshop Society of colorectal surgeons Singapore, 2022 – Laser in Colo – Proctology


The 2nd Annual Meeting of Shanghai Medical Doctor Association for Coloproctology Professionals 2022 International Colorectal Conference China, Shanghai 2022  Laser Therapy on Fistula-in-Ano Treatment



1° Advance Proctology and Pelvic Floor Surgery International Workshop, Guadalajara 2022

Laser Hemorrhoidoplasty

Lasertherapy in Fistula in Ano

Lasertherapy of pilonidal cyst

VAAFT of Fistula in Ano

and Member of the board

XLV Congreso Nationale E Internationale de Coloprocologica Sociedad Mexicana de Cirujanos de Recto, Colon y Ano A.C. Guadalajara 2022

Seton or not Seton in anal Fistula – the proctologist dilemma

Experience in the trans perineal management of rectocele and rectal prolaps

New technology vs. standard procedures in the management of hemorrhoidal disease